I have been successful thus far in being able to carve away some painting time each day since the Strada Challenge began. This has been thoroughly enjoyable!
Day 4 - Still-life Drawing
Day 5 - Still-life
Sam Adams Oktoberfest bottle; 6 x 6 in., Oil on Canvas - I totally botched the neck of this bottle. I should have been good about comparing (1 hour)
Day 6 Plein Air - Knockout Roses (1.5 hours)
Day 7 Still-life; Honeycrisp Apples, 6 x 6 in., Oil on Gessoboard (1.5 hours)
Day 8 Plein Air - Oak Trees in Park; 11 x 14 in., Oil on Canvas (2 hours)
Day 9 Still-life - Part 1 - OMS Container Still-life
Day 10 Still-life - Part 2 of OMS container Still-life