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Winter Greetings - The Christmas Cardinal

During the Christmas season, it is hard not to reminisce on old fashion memories of holidays gone by. I often find myself transported back to memories of childhood focused on many of our family traditions rather than on the presents I received from relatives and our parents.

As I get older I just don't surround myself with "things". Family is much more of an important aspect of my life. I tend to focus on the gatherings we all had and the family members that are no longer with us. As a child, I always thought all the grown-ups were invincible. Any of them passing away never occur to me. Over the years I have lost so many people I have dearly loved. Oh, the conversations I could have now if they were only alive. I always have these memories flood me during the holidays. As I have gotten older time has never been so more important as we are only on this earth for a short period.

This Christmas I painted a special painting for my Mom, The Christmas Cardinal. My father past away during the holiday season. On the anniversary of his death, I always see a Cardinal outside my kitchen window. This painting is a tribute to him. I love my mom so much and wanted to give her this gift as my Christmas present. The red cardinal is so special and deep in biblical meaning. May this Christmas Cardinal bring her comfort in her times of trouble and thought.

My Father holding me for the first time, Roper Hospital, Charleston, South Carolina 1983

Merry Christmas everyone and

may you have a blessed New Year!

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