I was recently commissioned to paint two paintings for the son of a friend who wanted to surprise his fiancee for Christmas. Paintings are a wonderful way to express one's love in a lasting heirloom that can be passed down. There were a lot of firsts for me on this project as I had never painted two portraits in one, I went forth and took my time making sure everything was in its place. There was plenty of stepping back, thinking, pausing, squitting that happened for both paintings. I have included process shots of the steps I did to complete both paintings.
Now onto the next painting.
Cheers to the New Year!

Sarah and Karson - 18 x 24 in; Oil on Canvas
As with any painting I complete, I always start out with a drawing. In doing so, I can always be assured that everything in their appropriate place. Then it is to the harder task in making sure all values make sense.

Sarah's Big Catch - 16 x 20 in., Oil on Canvas
Unfortunately, I didn't take as much "in process" shots of this painting. This may because I had to break up the painting sessions way more than the dual portrait.
