My local art league of Henderson County, NC has recently been able to rent a location to call home, The Art Place. In previous years, there was no physical location for members to socialize or any studio space to work. Just in this past year, the Art League has expanded into two buildings right down the road from where I live. Those two places are - The Art Place Gallery and The Art Place Studios. Both places together make for a great space for classes during the day and evening. The League just started expanding its offerings and now offers a live model drawing salon on the 1st Thursday of each month. Given that I have a job during the day, the evening works well with my schedule allowing me time to be creative. This was my first time ever drawing a live model in person. Normally, given my schedule and constraints, I have always resorted to using photographs. To keep it simple, I only took a graphite pencil, no eraser with me to the salon. During the session, I learned that a needed eraser is just to remove mistakes but should also be used as a drawing tool to add highlights. Lesson learned for sure for the next time. The class overall was very enjoyable as I got to work with some very talent artists.
Here are my attempts and time allotments.
1 minute Poses - Get the creative juices flowing
3 minute poses
5 minute pose
10 minute pose
20 minute pose
30 minute pose - last of the evening