Our beloved, Mazie, passed away a day after her 16th birthday. She was such a great schnauzer, very loyal and loving of adult people! Not a fan of kids as they move too quickly. She could calculate the time of day by just watching the sun and knowing when it was time to eat. This always created a problem when the time changed. She required human touch at all times either by sitting in your lap/next to you or being held. She rarely ever slept alone except when we left for the day. She surely hated kisses. She was a lover of squirrels and yet didn't know they go up trees. To her, they just vanished at the bottom. This was something that always made me laugh. She sure loved to eat, she could gobble down all the food in a matter of minutes. As she aged, she became slower and slower.
I buried up on the hill in our side yard. She is covered over with 100 early and late spring bulbs. Over time, these will spread over the hillside and be a tribute to her beautiful life. The void she leaves will always remain, but we will meet again when I enter those heavenly gates.
Mazie Ellmers; October 21, 2007 - October 22, 2023
